School Uniform
Daw’s Clothing Company Ltd offer an online ordering service and will post uniform items to your home address. Their shop is in Affinity Devon Outlet Shopping Centre in Bideford. Their staff will have a complete list of the correct uniform for Years 7-9 and for Years 10-11 and for each House.
Formal Academy Uniform
Blazer with school badge - compulsory for Year 10 and Year 11 - only available from Daw’s Clothing Company. THIS MUST BE WORN FOR ALL FORMAL YEAR GROUP MEETINGS AND ASSEMBLIES.
Grey pullover with school badge - compulsory for Years 7*, 8 and 9 - only available from Daw’s Clothing Company until September 2025. THIS MUST BE WORN FOR ALL FORMAL YEAR GROUP MEETINGS AND ASSEMBLIES.
*Year 7 can have a grey or burgundy pullover from September 2024 - only available from Daw's Clothing Company.
Burgundy pullover with school badge - compulsory for all year groups from September 2025. Only available from Daw's Clothing Company.
Tie with house colour stripes - compulsory for all years - only available from Daw’s Clothing Company (Croyde - Yellow, Putsborough - Green, Saunton - Red and Woolacombe - blue).
Plain black formal trousers/shorts or black pleated skirt.
Formal white shirt - short or long sleeved.
Plain black school shoes.
Plain black socks.
Hijabs (if worn) to be navy, black or cream. They must be plain; no patterns or tassels.
It is recommended that Academy trousers/shorts/skirts should also be purchased directly from Daw’s Clothing Company. However, should parents/carers wish to purchase these uniform items from an alternative source they must be sure the trousers/shorts/skirts replicate exactly the Daw's recommended trousers/shorts/skirts and meet our Academy Uniform Code. Please note: students wearing uniform not meeting this description will be asked to change.
Consequences for Not Having the Full and Correct Uniform Without Prior Parental Communication
Demerit: Each time a student comes to school without the correct uniform, they will receive a demerit.
Pastoral break time detention in room 2.
Physical Education Uniform
Suitable sports trainers.
White ankle length socks or burgundy football socks.
Plain black shorts of appropriate length/sports leggings/tracksuit bottoms. No large logos, writing shades and colours other than black.
Burgundy polo shirt.
Football boots for the AGP at all times in their bags.
Hair band for long hair.
Optional from September 2024
Years 7-11 ¼ zip training top in black.
Years 8-10 burgundy rugby top (until September 2025)
Years 8-10 burgundy fleece (until September 2025)
Sport-Specific Clothing and Equipment
Please note that you will also sometimes require sport-specific clothing and equipment for certain activities.
Shin pads.
Gum shield (available from the PE office at £2).
Not Allowed
Jewellery (fitness tracking watches are only allowed when taking part in individual aerobic exercises when instructed by the class teacher). See below the download for the Academy Safe Practice policy.
Nike Pro 3”/7.5cm shorts (or any other branded shorts of similar length).
Large logos/lettering.
School shoes/Vans/Converse/Nike Air Force Ones.
Consequences for Not Having the Correct PE Kit
Demerit: Each time a student comes to school without the correct equipment, they will receive a demerit.
2 x PE kit demerits in a term will trigger a department break time detention in the Sports Hall.
3 x PE kit demerits in a term will trigger a department after school detention in the Sports Hall (3.15-4.15pm).
4 x Final warning.
5+ x PE kit demerits in a term will trigger a Head of Department after school detention in the Sports Hall (3.15-4.15pm).
Student Equipment List
1 x Reading book
2 x Black pens
1 x Purple pen
2 x Pencils
1 x Whiteboard pen
1 x Ruler
1 x Glue stick
1 x Scissors
1 x Sharpener
1 x Rubber
1 Calculator
Maths specific equipment
Consequences for Not Having the Correct Equipment
To ensure that all students are adequately prepared, we have the following consequences for not having the required equipment:
Demerit: Each time a student comes to school without the correct equipment, they will receive a demerit.
3 x equipment demerits in a half term period will trigger a senior staff after school detention (3.15-4.15pm) in room 2.
6 x equipment demerits in a half term period will trigger an extended senior staff after school detention (3.15-4.45pm) in room 2.
9 x equipment demerits in a half term period will trigger an a day in reflection (8.45am-4.15pm).
12 x equipment demerits in a half term period will trigger a 2nd day in reflection (8.45am-4.15pm).
Second Hand Uniform
We are now operating a second-hand uniform shop from Main Reception. This is to sell uniform that has been kindly donated from other Braunton Academy families.
Please contact Reception on 01271 812221 if you are interested in purchasing any uniform.
As is our usual policy with school uniform, parents are asked to ensure that names are clearly marked on all items of clothing, including shoes and PE uniform.
In making a decision about what constitutes acceptable uniform and appearance, the decision of the Principal/Leadership Team and Governors is final. If a student comes to the Academy in non-uniform, he/she must anticipate being asked to wear appropriate Academy uniform from stock or the student will be placed in the Reflection Room.
If there is any doubt about whether a particular item is acceptable, please check with the Academy before purchasing.
For parents/carers in receipt of benefits, a concession on a uniform purchased from Daw’s Clothing Company is available. Please contact the Academy to find out how to access this concession, or follow the link to find out if this applies to you (you must provide documentary evidence).