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Please find below a link to the online safety training delivered to parents' on Wednesday 6th February.


National Online Safety 

Every Wednesday, National Online Safety produce guides that focus on specific platforms/risks of popular apps, websites and how to keep your child safe on their electronic devices. You can access the guides here:

Educational Guides | E-safety Guides & Posters for Schools ( 



The NSPCC have several useful links relating keeping your child safe online: 

Keeping children safe online | NSPCC 



The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Education Team provides information and resources for schools and parents. Please click on the link for further information.  

Think You Know 


Internet safety for parents - Keeping children safe online ( 


Vodaphone Digital

Parenting magazine provides practical help on how to set up online tools to support parents and children, and includes independent expert advice (like the best phones and app for kids) plus articles about pertinent issues relating to digital parenting. 


Digital Parenting - Vodafone UK News Centre 



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Tel: 01271 812221

Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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