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Aspire Library

The Aspire Library is a very popular place at Braunton Academy, and is used daily by students to exchange books, complete homework, revise, undertake research and read. The beanbags and sofas are particularly sought after! The room itself is located in a fantastic position at the front of the school, overlooking green hills and our sports facilities. 

The library is open to students from 8.30am until 4.15pm. Students may access the library before school, breaktime, lunchtime and during Homework Club, which takes place after school every day. Students can use all of the resources available in the library, as well as utilising support from the librarian and homework club supervisors. 
Currently, KS3 are given the use of the library on Monday and Wednesday break and lunchtimes, as well as Friday breaktime. KS4 are offered the library on Tuesday and Thursday break and lunchtimes.  

The library is also booked during lesson time for GCSE groups completing coursework, intervention sessions, and regular English lessons where students complete their Accelerated Reader quizzes and browse books. 

Just like our curriculum, the Aspire Library wholeheartedly promotes and advances equality, diversity and inclusion, and we endeavour to have a wide range of books and materials to support this. It is our belief that the library is for everyone, and the collection must represent this view. As a school we subscribe to the School Library Service to ensure our collection of books is kept current and that we receive the best possible advice in choosing them.  
The librarian takes special care to research selected books, consulting professional opinions and reviews throughout the process. The librarian is unable to read every book within the library but will use professional judgement as much as possible in allocating appropriate books to students.  Younger students wishing to read upper years books must have a letter signed by their parent/carer expressly giving permission to enable them to do this. All staff and students are welcome to suggest books at any time. 
Braunton Academy uses the Accessit Library Management System which comes with an app on our Student Resources page, allowing students to access the system on their own profile to reserve, browse and review books. The dashboard is regularly updated with any library news, as well as a reading list based upon a monthly theme. 
The library is currently split into different areas. The Quick Reads section offers a large selection of short books, dyslexia friendly materials, manga and graphic novels. Fiction is ordered from A-Z in order of author surname, and Non-Fiction is organised using the Dewey Decimal System. There is also a Careers and University section, focusing on job and career resources, as well as a variety of prospectuses. There are additional display cases around the room that are changed periodically based on different events and genres.  
Students are encouraged to read for at least 20 minutes a day, and to always have a book in their bag whilst at school.  
Additional Opportunities:- 
- No-Stress Book Club – every Friday lunchtime for students and staff. 
- World Book Day – activities run throughout school as well as in the library. 
- Carnegie Shadowing – runs from March to June every year. 
- Word Millionaire Kindle draw - at the end of each academic year. 
- School Library Service competitions. 
- Library Assistants - a small group of students help during lunchtimes. 
Braunton Academy do not currently take book donations unless requested, due to both space restrictions in the library and requirements to keep the stock current and relevant. 




Contact Us

© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221


Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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