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Teacher Area

Braunton Academy is committed to providing high quality Careers Education, information, Advice and Guidance to help inspire students and to enable them to make rational informed career decisions.


Commitment from subject areas to:

  • Integrate careers into the curriculum.

  • Engage with Academy careers continuous personal development is an additional staff responsibility.

  • Support the development of employability skills.

  • Promote progression routes within their curriculum area.

  • Develop external links to support CEIAG within curriculum areas through trips and visits, virtual events and promotion of ‘Greatest Job in the World’ programme where appropriate.

  • Feedback specific student needs (or opportunities) to the CEIAG team.

  • Signpost students to appropriate CEIAG advice and information.

Commitment from the pastoral team:

  • Ensure they are familiar with the Academy career plan and its objectives

  • Working with the Careers Education, information, Advice and Guidance team to provide additional support for the pupil premium, vulnerable and NEET (not in education, employment or training) risk group.

  • Encourage students to think positively about their career prospects and what they could be doing to enhance their life chances.

  • Feedback specific student needs (or opportunities) to the Careers Education, information, Advice and Guidance team.

  • Tutors share and promote opportunities.

  • Year 9 tutors support delivery of the Pathways choices programme.

  • Year 10 tutors support delivery of the Work Experience programme.

  • Year 11 tutors support the Post 16 transition programme.

  • Support students with careers’ action plans (year 9 - 11 tutors).

  • Engage with Academy careers continuous personal development. 


Useful websites

Contact Us

© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221


Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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