Parents' Evenings
Welcome to our Parents' Consultation Evening page
We very much value your attendance at these important events so that you can be kept up to date with the progress your son/daughter is making and how further improvement can be achieved.
Appointments to see your child's teachers will be available to book via Parentmail. You will be sent the details on how to access this service in the run up to the appropriate Parents' Evening.
Face to Face - all parents' evening will be face to face this year. All parents/carers will be invited to book appointments with their child's subject teachers for a meeting in the Isaac Hall at Braunton Academy between 4pm - 7pm.
Transport - should you have any issues with transport which prevents you from attending face to face parents' evenings, please contact the Academy Admin Team at
Contact - should you have any issues with regards to your IRIS ParentMail account or if you would like the Academy to manually make the appointments for you, please contact Ms G Wilson at
The dates for this year's Parents' Evenings are listed below:-