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Canteen Update

14 Feb 2025

Over the past few months, we have worked with students, staff and parents to review our catering offer and make improvements. This has led to the Academy Trustees approving a trial with Educatering, a local school catering service that support schools in the South West. Approximately 90% of the food they provide is sourced from the South West with a considerable amount coming from the North Devon area.

The aim is to improve the quality of our current offer and at the same time, support local businesses and reduce our carbon footprint.

The consultation that has taken place has included tasting sessions for students and Year 7 parents at the recent Parents’ Evening. The feedback from our families and the School Council has been very positive and we hope that you will support us during this trial and continue to provide formal feedback when we send out a survey in the Summer term.

We are looking at improving the service by providing a new hot servery location in the dining hall to assist to flow of students during their lunch period. The Student Council and staff have been involved in the new three-week menus structure and are looking forward to providing well balanced meals to our students.

Free drinks – please ensure your child has a water bottle with them every day.

We aim to support families to assist spending on meals by providing free squash during break and mealtimes affording an extra 75p for food. Due to this, after half term we will not be selling any packaged beverages, with this in mind could you assist with this process by providing a suitable drinks container for your child. Students entitled to a free school meal will have these supplied for them.

Lastly, we are closing our current Snack Shack and relocating it within the dining area, to minimise the impact on litter and the eating around the school site that has recently attracted more sea birds to areas of the school.

We hope you are as excited as we are about this new journey and look forward to hearing from you as part of the review process next term.

We 'go live' with Educatering on Monday the 3rd of March 2025.




© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221

Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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