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First Aid Protocol

Important Information for Parents - First Aid Protocols

Please note, the school has a Qualified First Aider and a small number of additional first aid trained staff are on hand for emergencies in school.


We do not, however, have a medically trained professional, or qualified school nurse, on site and parents are asked to keep children at home if they are poorly at the start of a school day and/or seek medical attention from their own GP if children are suffering from an ongoing medical condition.


The First Aiders can only administer First Aid. That means that they will give immediate help to casualties with common injuries or illnesses that arise during the school day. They will take action that will minimise further worsening of an injury or condition. They will also contact parents to arrange for a child to be collected and taken home. The school will always call an ambulance in the case of serious injury.


Please note, First Aiders are not qualified to make a medical diagnosis and are not able to treat pre-existing medical conditions, other than to dispense GP prescribed medication which is provided by the parent of the child. Children should not self-administer any medication, but parents must arrange for this to be clearly marked with the child's name and prescribed dosage, and hand it to the First Aider), with a completed Prescribed Medicine Consent Form or a Non Prescribed Medicine Consent Form, so that the child can take their medication during the school day. Forms are available from School Reception or links to them below.

It is important therefore that the school has up to date contact numbers for parents. Please ensure that you let us know, in writing, or by email to if you move house or change your mobile or landline telephone numbers.


For information on the School Nurses Services please visit the links below.

Contact Us

© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221


Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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