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Pastoral Support

Heads of Year

Mr Liversedge

Mr Liversedge

Year 7

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Miss Sayer

Year 8

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Mrs Armstrong

Year 9

Mr Ovey

Mr Ovey

Year 10

Ms McLoughlin

Mrs McLoughlin

Year 11

Within their year groups, students are organised into Tutor Groups; six in years 7, 8 and 9 and 5 in years 10 and 11. Students are in their Tutor Group for Period 6 (2.45pm - 3.15pm). The Tutor Group comprises of students from all of the four houses. Each year group is headed up by a Head of Year.


10.45am - 11.054am


1.05pm - 1.45pm

Pastoral Support Workers














​​​​​An important part of our Pastoral system here at Braunton Academy are our Pastoral Support workers, Mrs Rush, Mrs Frayne and Mrs Hart. Together they work as a team to offer support to our Heads of Year and Senior Leadership Team, provide 1:1, small group sessions, ‘drop in’ sessions and a safe space for all our students to offload their anxieties and worries when needed. Our Pastoral Support Workers are able to act as the student’s voice when appropriate, liaise with teachers and other adults at the Academy to come to solutions and signpost students and parents for further specialised support and other services.


External Agencies

Our Pastoral Team work very closely with outside agencies such as CAHMS, Young Devon, Space, Y-SMART, Family and Youth Intervention Team and the Mental Health Support Team to ensure that the children and families that need this support have access to it when and where appropriate.


1:1 Support

Our Pastoral Support Workers offer a range of support for our students who experience social and emotional difficulties such as self-esteem, anxiety, friendship/bullying issues as well as general issues around school.  They also offer support to our wider Safeguarding Team.


Group Work

Our Pastoral Support Workers also offer group work, on a referral basis only, which covers topics such as building resilience, positive relationships and self-esteem.


Drop Ins

As well as being able to provide 1:1 support and group work, our Pastoral Support Workers are also able to provide the ability for students to ‘drop in’ during break and lunch times only. See times below.​​










To contact our Pastoral Support Team please the email addresses below:-


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Mrs Frayne

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Mrs Hart

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Mrs Rush

Family Support

Raising children can be a physical and emotional rollercoaster and that’s why parents and carers need all the support they can get!
Here’s a selection of services and support available locally and nationally to help you to build a healthy family.  Information on this page will be updated regularly.

LGBT+ Inclusivity 

Braunton Academy is committed to maintaining an LGBT+ positive environment at all times. We are currently proud to be working towards The Rainbow Flag Award.

© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221

Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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