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Home Learning

Home learning is set throughout the Academy and plays an important part in the learning process. We do not set work for the sake of it, believing that it must be purposeful and help to consolidate students’ learning and develop essential study skills. 


Independent Learning & Homework Policy


Home Learning Overview 


Home learning is the consolidation and/or extension of learning, as well as enrichment opportunities outside the classroom so as to broaden students’ understanding.  


Such work is valuable to students in that it helps to develop independent learning and research skills as well as personal work disciplines, such as time management and planning to meet deadlines.  


We set home learning for all students irrespective of their ability or teaching group. However, the amount and frequency with which it is set is balanced with other important features of a healthy life, such as physical exercise, membership of clubs and other out of school activities. 


Accessing Home Learning 


All home learning is set through Class Charts so that students and their parents can see what home learning has been set for them, and when it is due.  Typically, tasks will then require students to access materials and resources from other online systems such as the following; 


Computer Science - Seneca 

English - Sparx Reader

Maths - Sparx Maths

Science - Educake 

Physical Education - Ever Learner 


Students are given access to all of the relevant platforms shortly after joining the Academy.  Parents will be sent parental logins for Class Charts too.  If students or parents have difficulties accessing the system they should contact the Academy at


Setting work for students that are absent 


If a student is ‘too unwell’ to attend school regularly (whether due to physical or mental ill health), the school will NOT expect students to complete home learning so as not to add further pressure to the student. Instead our priority will be on supporting the student to recover and return to school. During this time regular contact will be maintained with the student, and their family, as part of our duty of care to them. 


If a student is unwell and not in school on the day when home learning is set, they are still expected to complete the tasks on time as usual once they are well enough and are attending school.  


Home Learning Club 


Home Learning Club is run every day from 3.15pm-4.15pm in the Library. Students are always supervised and have access to computers throughout. 


Key Stage 3 Home Learning Schedule 


In key stage 3, it is expected that students will read for at least 30 minutes per night as well as completing all home learning tasks set as per the home learning schedule below.  









Modern Foreign Languages 



Beliefs and Values 

Art & Design

Design & Technology 

Computer Science

Weekly Sparx Reader homework

A meaningful extended task of various types, once per month (research, extended writing, drafting, redrafting etc.)

Weekly PiXL English reading for meaning (year 9).

Fortnightly spelling, punctuation and grammar tasks (years 7 - 9).

Weekly task set for all KS3 classes.

Weekly Sparx Maths

Weekly task related to taught units.

One weekly task.

Two half termly tasks.

Two half termly tasks.

One termly task.

One task each half term.

Tasks set approximately every two weeks to continue and support class work.

One task set each half term.

Key Stage 4 Home Learning Schedule 


In key stage 4, it is expected that students will read for at least 30 minutes per night and can expect to be given a home learning task to complete in each subject area on a weekly basis. The type of task will vary depending on the subject and the needs of the course. 


Students should be made aware that even when a formal task has not been set, it is their responsibility to engage with their subjects so that they: 


  • Understand the content of the subject matter they are learning. 

  • Commit key knowledge and terminology to memory. 

  • Apply their learning to exercises, questions, quizzes, new situations. 

  • Identify gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding and develop action plans accordingly. 

  • Undertake planning and preparation for NEAs as required.  Key stage 4 students should spend, on average, 2-3 hours each day on independent study in total. (45 minutes per day are completed in Period 6). 


Education Endowment Foundation Research Findings 


​High Impact +4 Months Progress 


What is it? 

Home learning refers to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons. 


Home learning activities vary significantly, particularly between younger and older pupils, including but not limited to home reading activities, longer projects or essays and more directed and focused work such as revision for tests. 

Our definition also includes activities such as ​‘home learning clubs’ where pupils have the opportunity to complete home learning in school but outside normal school hours, and ​‘flipped learning’ models, where pupils prepare at home for classroom discussion and application tasks. 


Key findings 


1. Home learning has a positive impact on average (+ 5 months), particularly with pupils in secondary schools. 

2. Home learning that is linked to classroom work tends to be more effective. In particular, studies that included feedback on home learning had higher impacts on learning. 

3. It is important to make the purpose of home learning clear to pupils (e.g. to increase a specific area of knowledge, or to develop fluency in a particular area). 


How effective is the approach? 


The average impact of home learning is positive across both primary and secondary school. 

The quality of the task set appears to be more important than the quantity of work required from the pupil. There is some evidence that the impact of home learning diminishes as the amount of time pupils spend on it increases. The studies reviewed with the highest impacts set home learning twice a week in a particular subject. 

Evidence also suggests that how home learning related to learning during normal school time is important. In the most effective examples, home learning was an integral part of learning, rather than an add-on. To maximise impact, it also appears to be important that students are provided with high quality feedback on their work. 


Useful Links


ClassCharts instructions video 


Google Classroom instructions video



© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221

Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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