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Braunton Academy’s Articles of Association have agreed that the Academy will have Governors who are all Directors of the Academy Trust. There are Parent and Community Trustees, who are drawn from our local community and are often ex-parents of the school, or people who work locally. The Trustees work hard on behalf of the school and are committed to working together with the Principal, Staff and Parents in the best interests of our students.


Trustees attend six Full Trustee Body Meetings per year. In addition, Trustees are assigned to the membership of one of the following Portfolio Groups – these are:  Estate, Finance & Audit, Behaviour, Attitudes & Personal Development (including Safeguarding), Quality of Education, and Leadership, Management and Risk.   Each group has the core aim of raising student achievement and maximising our funding.  In addition, many Trustees come into school on a regular basis to help with Staff Recruitment, Open Evenings, Presentation Evenings, Careers and Work Experience and Achievement Lunches for Students.


The Trustee Body works closely with the Company Secretary/Clerk to the Trustees. The Company Secretary/Clerk provides advice and support for the Trustee Body, regarding law, policy and procedural matters and also supports the administration workload.


For information on Braunton Academy Trustee Body, including:


  • Names of Trustees

  • Term of Office

  • Register of Business Interests

  • Membership of Portfolio Groups

  • Attendance at Portfolio Group and Full Trustee Body meetings 


Please click the links below.


Julie Fry MBE

Chair of Trustees


How long have you been a Trustee? Since September 2022 -  I am a Community Trustee and, for continuity, I am also a Trust Member.


Committee attached to: I am Chair of Trustees and have membership on Attitudes and Behaviours (Safeguarding) Leadership and Management and Quality of Education. I am also the Safeguarding Lead.


In 2020, following a 30-year career in Policing (Hampshire and the Isle of Wight), I realised my lifelong

dream and relocated to Braunton.


I had a broad professional experience, ranging from Firearms Commander to the Head of Initial Training, with Inclusion, Equality and Diversity a common thread throughout. I worked extensively with professional partners to safeguard children (and adults).  With particular focus on domestic abuse and violence and adverse childhood experiences.


I have regularly, managed complaints, grievances and chaired misconduct meetings.


I have knowledge and understanding of current Equality legislation and the duties required of organisations.


I have previous Governor experience, having spent seven years at a Southampton 6th Form College, as Deputy Chair and Safeguarding Lead.


I am passionate about ensuring young people have a more inclusive experience within education and the wider social framework, which fits well with the Braunton Academy values.


My proudest moment was receiving an MBE for my work in policing.


I have a CMI Level 6 Certificate in Management & Leadership - Leading & Diversity.


I have a Level 1 – Cricket Coaching Qualification and Volunteer at Braunton Cricket Club (‘All-stars’ & Dynamos’).  I am also starting a women’s team and last year entered the Women’s Softball Cricket League.


Alison (Ali) Jerrard

How long have you been a Trustee? Since October 2023


Committee attached to:

As a new Trustee I am currently rotating around all the various portfolio groups to improve my knowledge of the Academy and where my skill set might be best suited.


We moved to Braunton in 2023, having retired after 17 years as Headteacher of Ricards Lodge High School in Wimbledon. I spent my 30 year teaching career in South West London after graduating from Exeter University in 1990. However Braunton is in my DNA with at least 3 generations of my family living and 

working here. As a History graduate I have a special interest in the role that our area played in the Second World War as my grandfather trained on the beaches here in preparation for the Allied invasion of Europe in 1944.


In my role as a Trustee I hope to be able to both support and challenge the Academy as it enters a new period of expansion and development and bring the broad experience I have had in leading and managing a large and successful school to the Board.


I am very much looking forward to contributing my skills to the school community to ensure Braunton Academy can fully realise its vision, deliver the best education it can for our students and enable them to go on to lead happy and successful lives.

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Barrie Eason

How long have you been a Trustee? >25 years 


Committee attached to: Leadership & Management, and Disciplinary Committees. 


I am currently a Community Trustee and Trust Member, having originally joined the school’s Governing Body as a Parent Governor, (all three of our children attended the school).  Currently I am an active member of the Leadership & Management Portfolio group, and the Disciplinary Committee. I act as lead Trustee in relation to Risk Management.  


Previously, I have served on the Finance & Estate committee (which I chaired for several years), and was Chair of Governors for many years.  I have participated in five Principal Appointments, leading two of these campaigns.  I led the school’s initiative to become an Academy, and have been involved in several major capital projects.  


I work as a Registered Qualified Person, within the Quality Assurance Team of Perrigo, Braunton.  This business is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, specialising in solid-dose pain relief, could & flu remedies and other self-care medicines.  I am a chartered chemist with a master’s degree in Business Administration.  I have both Production and Quality Management experience, to site head level.   


I have served as director of another local charitable trust. 


I have lived in Braunton for over 40 years, and continue to strive to ensure that Braunton Academy delivers the best possible education to the young people of our community. 

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Claire Beech

How long have you been a Trustee? Started September 2022


Committee attached to: Quality of Education


I will have two children attending Braunton Academy so have a vested interest in the school being run successfully. Having children present in this setting for the last five years has enabled me to build solid views and perceptions that I hope will make me a valuable Parent Trustee.


In terms of my background, I have extensive experience in various people management and service related

roles within the corporate communications industry. My last role in this sector was as a Service Delivery Manager for some of the largest corporate accounts held by the company. Since having a family my priorities have altered and I am now a self employed Administrator.


I understand the need to deliver results, drive change and manage expectations and can demonstrate strong interpersonal and communication skills. I’m comfortable offering my opinions and ideas in a supportive, constructive manner to assist peers in achieving their goals.


My aim in taking on this new role is to make a difference to not just my children's future but also to the school as a whole.

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Andy Clee

How long have you been a Trustee? 8 years


Committee attached to: Finance, Estates & Audit 
Behaviour, Attitudes & Outcomes
Climate Change, Sustainability & Environment WG 


I became a Parent Governor to support Braunton Academy and to improve my understanding of how our young people are being educated.  To me, how we raise our young people is one of the most important things that we do as a society, and I wanted to contribute to that in our community.    




Although I am not from an educational background, during 24 years' service in the Army I have learnt a lot about training young people to equip them with a range of skills to allow them to operate successfully in very demanding circumstances.  My family background and career in the Royal Engineers have given me a strong grounding in construction, from ‘operating’ a shovel through to project planning and management and I retrained as a traditional carpenter when I retired from the Army.  


I am passionate about nature and volunteer for several local environmental charities, both as an excuse to get outside with good people and to do my bit as part of a wider community in tackling the climate, nature and pollution crises that we are facing.  In doing so, I have learnt a lot about these problems, some of the solutions to them and, critically, how our children’s future is dependent upon a healthy environment and how beneficial nature is to their wellbeing and learning.  As a result, I’m putting an increasing amount of time and energy into helping Braunton Academy to develop its response to climate change and improve its sustainability and the natural environment on campus. 

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Dave Hartnoll

How long have you been a Trustee? Ten years plus


Committee attached to: Chair of Finance, Estates & Audit Portfolio


Director of Tor Group Ltd and F J Hartnoll & Son.  Owner Greatfield Lodges.  Public body official Braunton Marsh Drainage Board.  Treasurer of skittles team.  



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Emma Trueman

How long have you been a Trustee? Since September 2020


Committee attached to: Quality of Education and Careers & Enrichment


I am currently a Parent Trustee, having joined the school’s Governing Body in 2020. I am the Lead Governor of the Quality of Education portfolio group, and Link Governor for the Expressive Arts Department and Careers & Enrichment. 


I have two children; one about to head off to university having attended Braunton Academy and Petroc College, and my younger one is currently at Braunton Academy, about to embark his GCSEs. It’s great to be involved with the school at this level and I enjoy being able to help make Braunton a place children want to come and learn. It’s rewarding to know you are supporting both staff and students, helping to shape the school as it grows.  

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Fayne Poynter

How long have you been a Trustee? Since May 2023


Committee attached to: Quality of Education Portfolio


Co-Headteacher, West Berry Federation





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Nick Plumb

How long have you been a Trustee? Since September 2020


Committee attached to: Leadership, Management & Risk Portfolio


Head of Southmead Primary School, member of Braunton Co-operative Trust, member of Live Well in Braunton and a private tutor.  





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© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221


Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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