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Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs)

What are Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs)?


  • 'Cognitive Abilities Tests or CATs'  are the UK’s most widely used test of reasoning abilities for children aged 6 – 17+ years.

  • CATs is an assessment of developed abilities in areas known to make a difference to learning and achievement. 

  • The data from students CATs provides parents, teachers, school leaders and Governors with an accurate analysis of potential student achievement and are standardised on 25,000 students and verified every year based on analysis of a quarter of a million students.

  • CATs is made up of a series of FOUR short tests which assess a student's reasoning (thinking) abilities in key areas that support educational development and academic attainment.   

  1. Verbal Reasoning Battery – thinking with words.

  2. Quantitative (or Numerical) Reasoning Battery – thinking with numbers.

  3. Non-verbal Reasoning Battery – thinking with shapes.

  4. Spatial Ability Battery – thinking with shape and space.


Why do Students Sit Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs)?


  • CATs provide parents, teachers, school leaders and Governors with valuable baselining data with national benchmarks. 

  • It also gives reliable indicators for national tests and examinations, including retrospective Key Stage 2 indicators, Key Stage 3 Mastery Targets and 9-1 GCSE indicators. 

  • With schools facing greater demands than ever, the right assessments and data are vital to support student progress, close the attainment gap and ensure every student is maximising their potential. 

  • It can also help your child and his/her teachers to plan appropriately and set targets for their progression. 



When do Students Sit their CATs?

  • Year 7 Students will sit their Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) in the first few weeks of the Autumn term.

  • New students will sit their Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) in the first few weeks of joining Braunton Academy.


Do Students Need to Prepare for these Tests? 

  • NO! Students do not and cannot prepare for these tests.

  • It is important that your child does not become overly anxious and be reassured that there is no pre-learning or knowledge of the tests needed.

Can I see my Child's Results?

  • Yes. Students' Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) results will only be shared with parents on request. Please contact to request your child's results.

What does my Child's CAT Score Mean?





Where can I find out more Information?


Key Contacts

  • Should you have any queries or concerns regarding the Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) process and organisation used here at Braunton Academy, please contact Mr A Parsons by email. 

  • Should you have any queries or concerns regarding how the Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) used here at Braunton Academy are used to set Key Stage 3 Mastery Targets and progress at Key Stage 3, please contact Mr J Frickleton (KS3 Raising Standards Leader) by email. 


  • Should you have any queries or concerns regarding how the Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) used here at Braunton Academy are used to set 1-9 GCSE Targets and progress at Key Stage 4, please contact Mrs J Craig (Acting Assistant Vice Principal - Curriculum/Student Progress)


© Copyright 2019 by Braunton Academy

Tel: 01271 812221

Opening times: 8.15am - 4pm


Braunton Academy,
Barton Lane, Braunton,
North Devon, EX33 2BP

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