Clubs & Activities
In addition to timetabled lessons, Braunton Academy offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities for all students that take place during lunch time and after School. The list below indicates the range of clubs and activities:
We have a wide range of peripatetic instrumental music teachers.
School Rock Bands
Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Homework Club with dedicated staff to support learners/access to PCs/printers/books and other resources.
Gay Straight Alliance
Computer Club
Surfing Team
Latin Club
Art Club
Drama Club
Book club
Christian Union
Rock Climbing
Chess Club
Public Speaking in association with the Rotary Club
International School - curriculum visits and exchanges (Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Uganda, USA and India).
We also offer a range of GCSE coursework, study skills and revision workshops.
Many different sports teams covering a wide range of competitive and aesthetic sports to all ages to 11- 16 with primary outreach clubs also. For more information on sports find the list under the Physical Education page.